Workshop – Trans*folx toy collection
Thursday ,15.6.2023, 17:00h till 19:30h, Volkskundemuseum Wien
A workshop by and with Nat Schastnev in English
Please register under
Dearest queerest, trans*, non-binary, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, genderfluid, pangender, and agender folks,
join us for the Trans*folx toy collection workshop
This workshop invites you for an exercise of being together, learn, do, perceive things differently from established routines. As a spacetime to be lived through playfully, musically, and creatively. Let us meet our stories and melt them into collective experiment!
We will build creatures / machines / masks / costumes / objects with recyclables and leftover materials!
We will play experimental music and make up our own scores for it!
Our creatures will sing for us!
It will be hilarious!
The creatures will be invited to join History Hustory* / Museum of Self-Care.
Suggestions on materials:
- If you plan to make a mask: bring cardboard, glue, paper tape, threads; or a bigger plastic bottle; paints
- If you’re making a costume: bring some old clothes, sewing accessories, and pieces of wood-cans-plastic; or/and cardboard
- For sound machines: tin cans, a wooden box, string(s), springy metal (hacksaw blades, bike spokes, springs, piano wire etc), a plastic bucket
- If you have something dear to your heart, bring those treasured mementos!
PS: Absolutely no previous knowledge in handicraft or music making needed. All levels and sorts of skills are welcome.

The workshop will be in English. The rooms are wheelchair accessible and there is a wheelchair accessible toilette.
As ever,
Nat Schastnev and QueerMuseumVienna
This workshop is supported by