QUEER TALKS. Series of talks on artistic research and scholarship in the field of queer history(s) and subjectivity(ies).
Wed, 9.3.2022 – Wed, 30.3.2022
Four talks on the topics Queer Archives, Queer Communities, Queer Films, Queer Spaces with Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic*, Sabine Schwaighofer, Karol Radziszewski, Lukas Gritzner, Andrea Braidt, Nicole Kandioler, Kaucyila Brooke, Mario Kiesenhofer, Stefanie Seibold
In a setting by Lukas Gritzner
Kuratiert von Christiane Erharter
“Queer Talks” presents artistic and academic positions that engage with narratives and subjectivities developed in a queer context. These do not focus on the coming-out scenario as the starting point of the narrative, but see queer subjectivity as a canvas to create lives and worlds that make sense to those who know, those who are initiated, those who are affected – and not to those who need an explanation. The conférences are given by people who live and socialise in Vienna as well as people who are active internationally. This creates a dense network that is interwoven internationally.
In four thematically framed conférences moderated by curator Christiane Erharter, central paradigms of queer subject and history theory as well as artistic research will be questioned. The personal-biographical approach of the participants is central.
The talks take place in a specific setting by the artist Lukas Gritzner (Vienna). His multimedia installation entitled “until we meet again” functions as a stage and studio. It was already the venue for the FRUITFEST in summer 2021, where performances, talks, concerts and DJ sets were recorded.
The talks are accessible to a live audience, and international discussion partners are connected online. After the talks, the setting will be opened for questions and discussion contributions from the audience.
Soft Opening
Wed, 9.3. 2022, 12 to 5 p.m.
QUEER TALKS. Series of talks on artistic research and scholarship in the field of queer history(s) and subjectivity(ies).
Wed, 9.3. 2022, 3 to 5 p.m.
QUEER TALKS: Queer Communities
Lukas Gritzner (Wien), Christiane Erharter (Wien)
Talk as part of the soft opening.
Thu, 17.3. 2022 from 5 to 7 pm
QUEER TALKS: Queer Archives
Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic* (Vienna), Sabine Schwaighofer (Vienna), Karol Radziszewski (Warsaw)
Is there a “Queerness of Memory”? How do we remember queer historicity? What archives are there for this, and how accessible are they? Talk about working with archives in art and artistic research.
Thu, 24.3. 2022 from 5 to 7 pm
QUEER TALKS: Queer Films
Andrea B. Braidt (Vienna), Nicole Kandioler (Vienna)
How can a queer film history for Austria be historicised and theorised? Talk about the joint research project on queer film production in Austria.
Wed, 30.3. 2022 from 3 to 5 pm
QUEER TALKS: Queer Spaces
Kaucyila Brooke (Los Angeles), Mario Kiesenhofer (Vienna), Stefanie Seibold (Vienna)
In which spaces does the community meet? How is the community constituted in relation to the city and its spaces? Talk about lesbian and gay bars as places of queer community and queer space production.