Celebration of the prolongation of “Is Queer Political?”
As part of the “Is Queer Political” Project
a free program for all
Friday 3rd of May, 7pm, QUEER MUSEUM VIENNA
Otto Wagner Areal, former “Direktion”, staircase 2, Hochparterre,
Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1140 Wien
We’re very happy to anounce that the exhibition “Is Queer Political?” is prolonged until the 23rd of June. And therefor will run through pride season.
For this special occasion we decided to make a little celebration on Friday 3rd of May 7pm. Come and join us for drinks, music and exchange about the exhibition, art in general and of course politics!
The exhibition is with works by: AmiRali Bashiri, Oke Fijal, Dejan Klement, Qafar Rzayev, Mohsin Shafi, Krishna Shanthi, Polina Zaslavskaya
(Photograph by Marija Šabanović from the opening of “Is Queer Political?”)
Donations are welcome.
“Is Queer Political” takes place within the framework of Shift